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HAT : New "one time run" job scheduler for GNU/Linux

I've started on a new project, basically sort of a side project; It is about trying to replace the typical one time task/job scheduling engines/systems, used in GNU/Linux, namely at, atrm, atq, batch and other similar ones.

I've named it hat (hyper-at). The idea is to replace all of the mentioned ones with a single engine, with more option and flexibility.

Quoting the README:

HAT (Hyper-AT) is an one time run job scheduler for GNU/Linux, with an emphasis on usability. It is designed to be a direct replacement of at (atq, atrm), batch, and other such one time run task scheduling engines/toolsets.

Benefits of hat:

  • Seconds resolution i.e. you can run job at the mentioned second
  • Use your shell of choice; you're not bound to /bin/sh
  • Job modification is supported; you can easily modify command, time of an enqueued job
  • Flexible datetime specifications, see
  • Will run a scheduled job later when the computer was off at that time, so no job will be missed
  • User specific jobs, secured approach
  • User based logging, all logs from jobs of a user go in ~/.hatd/logs/
  • All-in-one i.e. no separate tool based on job or pattern
  • Easy to use

Here is the project on GitHub and GitLab:



Update (Feb 07, 2018):

The project is deployment ready.

The installation is pretty simple, one just need to run the script. Please see

After installation, the command to use from shell is hatc -- only this command should be used for everything involved e.g. schedule jobs, remove scheduled jobs, listing jobs and so on.

Here is a simple example workflow:

# Job listing: --list/-l
% hatc --list
Job queue is empty

# `hatc --list` is the default
% hatc
Job queue is empty

# Job count: --count/-c
% hatc --count

# Job addition/scheduling: --add/-a
% hatc --add free 'now + 5 min'
{'msg': 'Done'}

% hatc -l
ID              Time            Shell       Command
1       2018-02-08T16:47:29       -         free

% hatc -c

% hatc -a 'echo $PATH' 'tomorrow 14:40:30' bash
{'msg': 'Done'}

% hatc -l
ID              Time            Shell       Command
1       2018-02-08T16:47:29       -         free
2       2018-02-09T14:40:30     bash        echo $PATH

% hatc -c

# Job removal: --remove/-r
% hatc --remove 1
{'msg': 'Queued'}

% hatc -l
ID              Time            Shell       Command
2       2018-02-09T14:40:30     bash        echo $PATH

% hatc -c

% hatc -r 2
{'msg': 'Queued'}

% hatc -l
Job queue is empty

% hatc -c

% hatc -a free 'now +30 mins'
{'msg': 'Done'}

% hatc -l
ID              Time            Shell       Command
1       2018-02-09T03:41:57       -         free

# Job modification: --modify/-m
% hatc --modify 1 'free -m' _
{'msg': 'Done'}

% hatc -l
ID              Time            Shell       Command
1       2018-02-09T03:41:57       -         free -m

% hatc -m 1 _ 'today 14:30:42'
{'msg': 'Done'}

% hatc -l
ID              Time            Shell       Command
1       2018-02-09T14:30:42       -         free -m


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