Posts about posts
- Emacs: Change IPython traceback background color from yellow to black
- Emacs: Buffer-switch indicator
- Emacs: Managing Python virtual environments
- Emacs: Auto-format strings to a max column width in `python-mode`
- Emacs: Dynamic buffer-local fringes
- Emacs: Browse HTTPS web pages using `eww`
- Sort files in a directory by modification time in Git
- Recipe for recording webcam and microphone using ffmpeg in GNU/Linux
- Find the actual webcam device (`/dev/videoX`) in Linux
- Get the duration of audio input in torchaudio
- Add a custom program/command launcher to Linux Mint panel
- Emacs recipe for starting tensorboard server
- Enable fingerprint authentication on Dell XPS 13 9310 running Linux Mint
- Emacs: Invoke search engine on browser with search term
- Patching decorators in Python
- Moving to Linux Mint (from Ubuntu)
- Prevent editor invocation on `git pull` or `git merge`
- Django: Clone a model instance on update
- Django: Custom User model without username field (and using email in place of it)
- Python : Can we use magic/dunder methods as instance attributes directly instead of putting them in type definition?
- Why exception name bindings are deleted while exiting the `except` block in Python, and how to break reference cycles in traceback object's stack frame local namespace
- Async `requests` in Python : Do async I/O on a blocking object
- Brief intro to `strace` : Finding all files a process is opening in GNU/Linux
- Nightwatch.js Selenium e2e test: input field clearing issue
- Postgresql: Running `psql` as user `postgres` from different system username on localhost
- Python micro-ideas : Does tuple require parentheses as a must?
- An intro to "gnuplot" -- command line plotting tool for GNU/Linux
- HAT : New "one time run" job scheduler for GNU/Linux
- RegEx: Non-greedy operation without non-greedy operators
- Primer on Bash variables, logical builtins/commands, and operators
- Python : Turning a sequence into an iterator without iter(), keeping the sequences' properties intact
- Abstracting the inits -- run "service action" commands with ease!
- Hello, World!